572 research outputs found

    II-Pater Noster bl-lisien Malti : storja lingwistika

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    The Pater Noster ('The Lord's Prayer) is undoubtedly the most widely-known prayer in the Christian canon. Beyond its theological import, many comparative linguists and travel writers in the past often used this formulaic prayer as a sample of the various languages under discussion, including Maltese. The vernacular version of the Lord's Prayer (known as Il-Missierna) is. here discussed from a historical linguistic and orthographic point of view. The various transcriptions documented since 1725 constitute an indirect reflex of the complex trajectory which written Maltese underwent until it achieved its present codified form.peer-reviewe

    L’hotel particulier des Bunić a Dubrovnik

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    Nalik na neke druge evropske gradove, Dubrovnik je stolećima slagao slojeve istorijskih epoha na izgledu svojih zgrada i ulica. Na Placi, glavnoj gradskoj okosnici, sudeći po arhivskim i grafičkim dokumentima, postojale su još polovinom 17. veka građevine raznih arhitektonskih slogova počevši od trenutka kada su zakonom bile određene granice novih ulica i kada su srušene poslednje drvene kuće. Palata Bunića u ulici Marojice Kaboge nalazi se u središnjem, ravnom delu grada, u nekadašnjoj seksterciji Sv. Marije i u neposrednoj blizini Place. Zgrada zauzima ceo prostor između ulice Marojice Kaboge i Uske ulice, što nije slučaj sa drugim imanjima i građevinama u ovom kraju. Sudeći po karti razaranja Dubrovnika u potresu 1667. godine, koju je izradio Jelenko Mihailović, imanje se nalazi u predelu najvećih oštećenja, te bi po tome Bunićeva palata bila sazidana posle potresa. Moguće je isto tako da je neka ranije postojeća zgrada bila u potresu znatno oštećena i da je obnovljena na istom mestu. Pobliže ispitivanje palate, opisano u daljem tekstu, opravdava neizvesnost u pogledu njenog tačnijeg datiranja.La demeure de la famille Bunić, sise au coeur de la ville ancienne, est édifiée dans le style baroque transitoire qui apparaît à Dubrovnik à la fin du 16e et au début du 17e siècle. A la composition symétrique des façades et à la distribution ordonnée des ouvertures, héritages de la Renaissance, le style baroque ajoute ses propres caractéristiques comme la position centrale de l’entrée principale et, surtout, les nouvelles formes et proportions des portes et fenêtres, agrémentées de décorations baroques. Le profil des chambranles devient le plus souvent symétrique, profond, arrondi et d’inspiration géométrique. Le motif des armoiries familiales, entouré de feuilles, de rubans et de volutes, est soutenu par des »putti«. La grandeur des baies qui augmente sensiblement, ainsi que les larges chambranles, donnent aux édifices plus de vigueur mais n’apportent pas l’élégance des hôtels particuliers de l’époque renaissance. A rez-de-chaussée de l’hôtel des Bunić se développe une galerie voûtée, pourvue d’éviers en pierre et d’une margelle au-dessus de la citerne enterrée. Tous ces éléments sont décorés d’ornements architecturaux, de blasons et de médaillons. La disposition des espaces ne présente pas de différences notables en comparaison avec la période précédente. La pièce principale, haute de 4,50 mètres et située au second étage, correspond à la »grande salle« des manoirs ragusains des 15e et 16e siècles; elle est destinée aux réceptions et aux fêtes de la famille. L’aspect général de l’édifice actuel montre quelques défauts, conséquence des remaniements successifs. L’escalier primitif, dont les premières marches se trouvaient jadis à côté de la margelle, fut démoli à une époque inconnue et remplacé par une nouvelle cage d’escalier. La raison en fut certainement la division du bâtiment en plusieurs habitations. D’autres petites remarques concernent les proportions et l\u27expression architecturale de cet édifice. Pourtant, malgré ses quelques imperfections, l’hôtel particulier des Bunić de meure très représentatif de l’architecture civile baroque du 17e siècle ragusain, exemple d’autant plus important qu’il n’en subsiste aujourd’hui qu’un petit nombre dans cette vieille cité historique

    L’hotel particulier des Bunić a Dubrovnik

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    Nalik na neke druge evropske gradove, Dubrovnik je stolećima slagao slojeve istorijskih epoha na izgledu svojih zgrada i ulica. Na Placi, glavnoj gradskoj okosnici, sudeći po arhivskim i grafičkim dokumentima, postojale su još polovinom 17. veka građevine raznih arhitektonskih slogova počevši od trenutka kada su zakonom bile određene granice novih ulica i kada su srušene poslednje drvene kuće. Palata Bunića u ulici Marojice Kaboge nalazi se u središnjem, ravnom delu grada, u nekadašnjoj seksterciji Sv. Marije i u neposrednoj blizini Place. Zgrada zauzima ceo prostor između ulice Marojice Kaboge i Uske ulice, što nije slučaj sa drugim imanjima i građevinama u ovom kraju. Sudeći po karti razaranja Dubrovnika u potresu 1667. godine, koju je izradio Jelenko Mihailović, imanje se nalazi u predelu najvećih oštećenja, te bi po tome Bunićeva palata bila sazidana posle potresa. Moguće je isto tako da je neka ranije postojeća zgrada bila u potresu znatno oštećena i da je obnovljena na istom mestu. Pobliže ispitivanje palate, opisano u daljem tekstu, opravdava neizvesnost u pogledu njenog tačnijeg datiranja.La demeure de la famille Bunić, sise au coeur de la ville ancienne, est édifiée dans le style baroque transitoire qui apparaît à Dubrovnik à la fin du 16e et au début du 17e siècle. A la composition symétrique des façades et à la distribution ordonnée des ouvertures, héritages de la Renaissance, le style baroque ajoute ses propres caractéristiques comme la position centrale de l’entrée principale et, surtout, les nouvelles formes et proportions des portes et fenêtres, agrémentées de décorations baroques. Le profil des chambranles devient le plus souvent symétrique, profond, arrondi et d’inspiration géométrique. Le motif des armoiries familiales, entouré de feuilles, de rubans et de volutes, est soutenu par des »putti«. La grandeur des baies qui augmente sensiblement, ainsi que les larges chambranles, donnent aux édifices plus de vigueur mais n’apportent pas l’élégance des hôtels particuliers de l’époque renaissance. A rez-de-chaussée de l’hôtel des Bunić se développe une galerie voûtée, pourvue d’éviers en pierre et d’une margelle au-dessus de la citerne enterrée. Tous ces éléments sont décorés d’ornements architecturaux, de blasons et de médaillons. La disposition des espaces ne présente pas de différences notables en comparaison avec la période précédente. La pièce principale, haute de 4,50 mètres et située au second étage, correspond à la »grande salle« des manoirs ragusains des 15e et 16e siècles; elle est destinée aux réceptions et aux fêtes de la famille. L’aspect général de l’édifice actuel montre quelques défauts, conséquence des remaniements successifs. L’escalier primitif, dont les premières marches se trouvaient jadis à côté de la margelle, fut démoli à une époque inconnue et remplacé par une nouvelle cage d’escalier. La raison en fut certainement la division du bâtiment en plusieurs habitations. D’autres petites remarques concernent les proportions et l\u27expression architecturale de cet édifice. Pourtant, malgré ses quelques imperfections, l’hôtel particulier des Bunić de meure très représentatif de l’architecture civile baroque du 17e siècle ragusain, exemple d’autant plus important qu’il n’en subsiste aujourd’hui qu’un petit nombre dans cette vieille cité historique


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    Diplomska predstava Iluzije zaživjela je pred publikom kao plod rada studenata glume: Gorana Vučka, Ivana Pokupića, Katice Šubarić i Sare Moser, vođenih mentorstvom izv. prof. art Roberta Raponje, na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Osijeku, na odsjeku za kazališnu umjetnost, smjer gluma i lutkarstvo. U ovom pismenom radu Sara opisuje istraživački proces rada kojemu je svrha unaprijediti njezine glumačke vještine i tehniku. U svom radu Sara ukratko iznosi činjenice o životu i radu autora, o djelu, opisuje proces stvaranja predstave, prisjećajući se ranih početaka, upoznaje nas s konceptom predstave, opisuje scenografiju, kostimografiju i rekvizitu, određuje žanrovsku odrednicu komada, te čitatelju pokušava približiti karakter predstave. Čitatelja upoznaje sa svojim radom na tekstu i ulozi. Na kraju iznosi zaključak da se radi o uspješnom diplomskom ispitu koji je izuzetno dobro prihvaćen od strane publike, te se nada da će svakom novom izvedbom on rasti.The play Illusions started being performed in front of the audience as the fruit of labor of the following acting students: Goran Vučko, Ivan Pokupić, Katica Šubarić and Sara Moser, who were all mentored by Master of Fine Arts, professor Robert Raponja, at Academy of Arts Osijek, Department of Theatre Arts, study of acting and puppetry. In this paper Sara will describe the research process of the work whose purpose is to improve her acting skills and technique. Sara will briefly state the facts about life and work of the author, about the work itself, she will describe the process of the making of this play, remembering its early beginnings, she will introduce us to the concept of the play, describe the scenography, costumes and props, determine the genre of the play and try to bring the character o the play closer to the reader. She will introduce the reader with her work on the play and on her role. She ends with conclusion that it is a successful master thesis which was extremely well received by the audience ande she hopes it will further grow with every new performance

    Political dualism and the Council\u27s Christianity

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    U tekstu se želi prikazati stanje Crkve i kršćanstva u hrvatskom društvu u posljednjih desetak godina, vodeći računa o posljedicama pada komunizma i teškoćama tranzicijskih poredaka općenito. U nas je rat na poseban način pogoršao to društveno stanje, a probuđena duga povijesna sjećanja i pamćenja uzburkala su još više političku scenu. Stoga radikalizama i neumjerenosti ne nedostaje. S druge pak strane, nestrpljivi zapadnjaci i njihovi političari požuruju odveć modernizaciju hrvatskoga društva, ne obazirući se na to da se demokracija ne može ustrojiti odjednom, a još manje da se mogu izgraditi sve njezine složene ustanove i mehanizmi uspješna funkcioniranja. Sučelivši se s tako nepovoljnim i kriznim društvenim uvjetima, kršćani su se često našli na velikim iskušenjima u svojim bitnim vjernostima: prema političkim zaoštravanjima i koncilskim smirivanjima. Zato se u hrvatskom društvu oblikuju dva tijeka vjerničkog mišljenja i postupanja. Jednom pripadaju politički katolici, a drugom koncilski kršćani. Istražuju se, opisuju i pokušavaju pronaći povijesna izvorišta obiju tendencija. No njihovi su počeci daleki: prva tendencija ih ima u svim vrstama analizama, a druga u prvotnom kršćanstvu. U tom su sklopu onda opširno prikazani integrizam i katolički fundamentalizam kao dva tipična uzorka dualizma. Oni su dakako u potpunoj opreci prema duhu i slovu Drugog vatikanskog koncila, na što se posebno upozorava. Ipak, središnje je pitanje današnjeg kršćanstva u svijetu i u hrvatskom vjerništvu - odnos prema modemitetu, koji je jedino na Drugom vatikanskom koncilu riješen na miroljubiv i dijaloški način, vjeran starozavjetnoj i novozavjetnoj kršćanskoj baštini.The author attempts to present the contemporary state of the Church and Christianity in the Croatian society in the last ten years taking into consideration the consequences of the fali of communism and the difficulties of countries in transition. The Independence War in Croatia has gradually degraded the social situation, and old historical remembrances were reawakened thus making the political scene more turbulent. On the other hand, the impatient Western politicians have insisted too much on the modernisation of the Croatian society overlooking the fact that democracy cannot be introduced overnight, that its complex mechanisms and institutions cannot function successfully if built in a hurry. In such critical social circumstances, Christians found themselves in great temptations in terms of political antagonisms and the Council\u27s appeasement efforts. Thus, in the Croatian society, two schools of thought and action have been formed: "political Catholics" and "the Council\u27s Christians". The author examines the historical background of these two tendencies. Their origins are old: the first tendency is pervaded with ali sorts of dualism and the second tendency is rooted in the early Christianism. Presented in this context are integrism and Catholic fundamentalism as two typical patterns of dualism. They are, of course, completely opposed to the spirit and letter of the Second Vatican Council. Still, the central question of today\u27s Christianity in the world and in Croatia is its relationship to modernity, a dilemma which was resolved at the Second Vatican Council in a peaceful and dialogical way, in line with the Old and New Testament tradition

    Political dualism and the Council\u27s Christianity

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    U tekstu se želi prikazati stanje Crkve i kršćanstva u hrvatskom društvu u posljednjih desetak godina, vodeći računa o posljedicama pada komunizma i teškoćama tranzicijskih poredaka općenito. U nas je rat na poseban način pogoršao to društveno stanje, a probuđena duga povijesna sjećanja i pamćenja uzburkala su još više političku scenu. Stoga radikalizama i neumjerenosti ne nedostaje. S druge pak strane, nestrpljivi zapadnjaci i njihovi političari požuruju odveć modernizaciju hrvatskoga društva, ne obazirući se na to da se demokracija ne može ustrojiti odjednom, a još manje da se mogu izgraditi sve njezine složene ustanove i mehanizmi uspješna funkcioniranja. Sučelivši se s tako nepovoljnim i kriznim društvenim uvjetima, kršćani su se često našli na velikim iskušenjima u svojim bitnim vjernostima: prema političkim zaoštravanjima i koncilskim smirivanjima. Zato se u hrvatskom društvu oblikuju dva tijeka vjerničkog mišljenja i postupanja. Jednom pripadaju politički katolici, a drugom koncilski kršćani. Istražuju se, opisuju i pokušavaju pronaći povijesna izvorišta obiju tendencija. No njihovi su počeci daleki: prva tendencija ih ima u svim vrstama analizama, a druga u prvotnom kršćanstvu. U tom su sklopu onda opširno prikazani integrizam i katolički fundamentalizam kao dva tipična uzorka dualizma. Oni su dakako u potpunoj opreci prema duhu i slovu Drugog vatikanskog koncila, na što se posebno upozorava. Ipak, središnje je pitanje današnjeg kršćanstva u svijetu i u hrvatskom vjerništvu - odnos prema modemitetu, koji je jedino na Drugom vatikanskom koncilu riješen na miroljubiv i dijaloški način, vjeran starozavjetnoj i novozavjetnoj kršćanskoj baštini.The author attempts to present the contemporary state of the Church and Christianity in the Croatian society in the last ten years taking into consideration the consequences of the fali of communism and the difficulties of countries in transition. The Independence War in Croatia has gradually degraded the social situation, and old historical remembrances were reawakened thus making the political scene more turbulent. On the other hand, the impatient Western politicians have insisted too much on the modernisation of the Croatian society overlooking the fact that democracy cannot be introduced overnight, that its complex mechanisms and institutions cannot function successfully if built in a hurry. In such critical social circumstances, Christians found themselves in great temptations in terms of political antagonisms and the Council\u27s appeasement efforts. Thus, in the Croatian society, two schools of thought and action have been formed: "political Catholics" and "the Council\u27s Christians". The author examines the historical background of these two tendencies. Their origins are old: the first tendency is pervaded with ali sorts of dualism and the second tendency is rooted in the early Christianism. Presented in this context are integrism and Catholic fundamentalism as two typical patterns of dualism. They are, of course, completely opposed to the spirit and letter of the Second Vatican Council. Still, the central question of today\u27s Christianity in the world and in Croatia is its relationship to modernity, a dilemma which was resolved at the Second Vatican Council in a peaceful and dialogical way, in line with the Old and New Testament tradition


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    Diplomska predstava Iluzije zaživjela je pred publikom kao plod rada studenata glume: Gorana Vučka, Ivana Pokupića, Katice Šubarić i Sare Moser, vođenih mentorstvom izv. prof. art Roberta Raponje, na Umjetničkoj akademiji u Osijeku, na odsjeku za kazališnu umjetnost, smjer gluma i lutkarstvo. U ovom pismenom radu Sara opisuje istraživački proces rada kojemu je svrha unaprijediti njezine glumačke vještine i tehniku. U svom radu Sara ukratko iznosi činjenice o životu i radu autora, o djelu, opisuje proces stvaranja predstave, prisjećajući se ranih početaka, upoznaje nas s konceptom predstave, opisuje scenografiju, kostimografiju i rekvizitu, određuje žanrovsku odrednicu komada, te čitatelju pokušava približiti karakter predstave. Čitatelja upoznaje sa svojim radom na tekstu i ulozi. Na kraju iznosi zaključak da se radi o uspješnom diplomskom ispitu koji je izuzetno dobro prihvaćen od strane publike, te se nada da će svakom novom izvedbom on rasti.The play Illusions started being performed in front of the audience as the fruit of labor of the following acting students: Goran Vučko, Ivan Pokupić, Katica Šubarić and Sara Moser, who were all mentored by Master of Fine Arts, professor Robert Raponja, at Academy of Arts Osijek, Department of Theatre Arts, study of acting and puppetry. In this paper Sara will describe the research process of the work whose purpose is to improve her acting skills and technique. Sara will briefly state the facts about life and work of the author, about the work itself, she will describe the process of the making of this play, remembering its early beginnings, she will introduce us to the concept of the play, describe the scenography, costumes and props, determine the genre of the play and try to bring the character o the play closer to the reader. She will introduce the reader with her work on the play and on her role. She ends with conclusion that it is a successful master thesis which was extremely well received by the audience ande she hopes it will further grow with every new performance

    La corporation des cordonniers de Vannes sous l'Ancien RĂ©gime

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    National audienceLes Corporations ! : ce mot, à peine prononcé, renvoie en général immédiatement la plupart d'entre-nous à une évocation du monde médiéval ressuscitant furtivement quelque belle image enluminée, entr'aperçue dans un de ces superbes manuscrits qui font la fierté des bibliothèques qui ont la chance de les posséder : une chaussée tortueuse et étroite, bordée de maisons à pans de bois comme celles que Vannes a su si heureusement préserver..
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